Page 32 - BCM July 2024
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              so guests may add pocket change or   Beach Boys, surf and Jimmy Buf-    14. Develop a music club.
              small bills to the cause. Also have   fett music. Be sure to o  er favorite   Assemble a comprehensive list of
              informational   iers or brochures on   beach cocktails such as Pina Coladas,   attendees that can be segmented
              hand to help educate guests about   Mojitos, Margaritas, Mai Tais and   by music preference so they can
              BVL and any upcoming fundraisers   Daquiris. Other themes to consider,   be emailed or texted appropriate
              you may have on the calendar.      depending on your marketplace,     special reminders or o  ers.    ink of
                13. Develop special themes for   include “Tex-Mex,” “Outlaw         it as a way of getting the occasional
              your weekend music-and-light       Country,” “Classic Blues,” “Smooth   Saturday night customer to visit the
              shows. A “Beach Night” would be    Jazz” and “No Words” — an evening   center on another day of the week a
              a natural, with a heavy rotation of   of all-instrumental hits.       few more times per year.
                                                                                      15. Form a Youth Bowling Club.
                                                                                    Develop your own, non-shared list
                                                                                    of parents of local youth bowlers
                                                                                    by o  ering kids 25-cent bowling
                    JOIN THE PARTY…                                                 throughout the month — or free
                                                                                    bowling when accompanied by a
                                                                                    paying adult. Use the list throughout
                                                          Increase Revenue          the year to promote youth leagues,
                                                                                    tournaments, guest days (when
                                                               More Durable         adults bowl for the same price as
                                                          More Fun for Kids         the kids) and other programs. Job
                                                                                    one:   lling holes in leagues for the
                                                  Safer Than Other Ramps            new fall season ahead. It’s important
                                                                                    to charge at least something for all
                                                                                    games bowled (save for the occa-
                 Proudly Made                                                       sional BOGO) so that the game and
                 in America                                                         sport are not devalued in the minds
                                                                   CHECK OUT
                                                                 OUR NEW DRAGON     of young people.
                                                                    COLORS!           16. Date Night. To help   ll lanes
                                                                                    during the week, o  er a special that
                                                                                    includes an hour of bowling, a certain
                                                                                    amount of arcade play or another
                                                                                    attraction (such as laser tag), plus
                                                                                    food and beverages for a set price.
                                                                                    You know your product mix and your
                                                                                    margins, so develop two or three
                                                                                    packages that will be attractive to
                                                                                    your guests and pro  table for you.
                                                                                      17. Take Me Out to the Bowl
                                                                                    Game. Is there a minor league base-
                                                                                    ball team in your city or a short drive
                                                                                    away? For most teams, the season
                                                                                    begins strong but then attendance
                                                                                    wanes as temperatures rise and
                                                                                    families go on vacation. By the time
                        Pr             Pro Shop Training Classes   Pinsetter Parts, Lane   the   nal month of the season —
                        Pro Shop o Shop
                        Equipment         Always Forming     Machines and Supplies  September for most teams — rolls
                                                                                    around, they are almost begging for
                           355 N. Iowa Street, Lawrence, KS 66044                   people to come out, often loading
                          785-842-3237  •   24-Hour: 1-800-255-6436                 up their schedule with an array of
                                                                                    giveaways. Consider   ooring a super-
                                                    short-season league that runs for four
                                               weeks in August, with all members
                                                                                    attending a designated minor league
                                                                                    game in September.

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