Page 30 - BCM July 2024
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                Beating the Heat

                  17 ways to generate revenue during the dog days of summer.

                                                        BY BOB JOHNSON

                   oes August represent the dog   room and other “unseen” areas of   ment Month.” Develop a series of
              D days of summer, as the ancient   the center.  ink like a tour guide   tournaments for all age, gender and
              Romans would assert, or the lazy,   in developing the itinerary. Ideal for   ability categories, and invest in a per-
              hazy, crazy days of summer, of which   local day care facilities and summer   petual trophy — which could be dis-
              Nat King Cole sang? (Note: If you   camp organizers.                  played behind the desk or in a trophy
              get the second reference, you’re old.   4. O er a food special each day   case — for each.  e tournaments
              If you get the  rst one, you’re really   of the week. Utilize ingredients you   will boost linage, and the trophies will
              old.)                              have on hand or can repurpose for   keep interest up throughout the year
                For bowling proprietors in most   Soup Sundays, Meatball Mondays,   as your bowlers develop an “I’ll get
              markets, August represents one of the   Taco Tuesdays, Wa e Wednesdays   ’em next time” attitude.
              most challenging months of the year   and so on. Be creative; tap into   9. Host a Youth/Law Enforce-
              for  lling lanes. Many adopt limited   regional favorites and give them your   ment Doubles Tournament.  is is
              hours of operation, and some still   own twist.                       a great way to promote good citizen-
              close down entirely, spending time   5. O er a daily beverage special.  ship among younger people and to
              on maintenance and perhaps some    Sangria Sundays, Mojito Mon-       show gratitude to your city’s  rst
              remodeling ahead of the new fall   days and so on. And don’t neglect   responders. Consider reaching out
              season.                            non-alcoholic options, which are   to community youth organizations
                But if you still have the “open” sign   becoming more popular (see page   to include at-risk youth. Try to get a
              lit during August, some of the fol-  63). Tea Tuesdays, Watermelon Juice   local sponsor so small scholarship
              lowing 17 promotional ideas can help   Wednesdays, etc. (Yes, watermelon   prizes can be awarded, and make
              you keep the pinsetting machines   juice is a thing. It’s made by blending   sure the  rst responders get a logo
              humming, the charged particles     watermelon  esh and seeds to create   towel or some other token of your
               owing through the arcade games,   a pink drink that provides key nutri-  appreciation.
              and the food-and-beverage operation   ents and vitamin C. It’s perfect for   10. Host an “alley sale.” Similar
              sizzling (and slurping).           sipping chilled on a hot August day.)  to a garage sale but held inside your
                1. Car wash. Turn a corner of the   6. Develop a month-long senior   bowling… alley, either along the
              parking lot with good street visibility   calendar. Plan an event especially   concourse or in a meeting or party
              into a fundraising venue for a local   for seniors every day of the month.   room. Ask customers to donate items
              charity or youth group. Schedule the   Include one-squad and month-long   and then donate the proceeds to the
              car wash on the same day (Sat-     tournaments, super-short-season    local charity of your choice. Ask the
              urday?) and at the same time (before   leagues (four weeks), clinics (in asso-  bene ting charity to provide two or
              prime time for the center) each week   ciation with your pro shop operator   three people to sta  the event.
              and develop a schedule of partici-  or house pro), a senior/junior tourna-  11. Designate one afternoon or
              pating groups for the entire month.  ment in which a senior bowler is   evening as “Bowling History Day.”
                2. Ice cream social. Bring people   teamed with a member of your youth   Invite local and state (and national,
              into the center with cold, creamy   league program, co ee-and-donut   if any live nearby) hall of famers to
              treats in standard and special     socials and so on.                 attend, and sell balls, pins, photo-
               avors — perhaps named after sta     7. Senior Bowlympics. Develop    graphs and other memorabilia that
              members, league bowlers or local   a point system that covers three   the hall of famers can autograph.
              personalities. Cones, cups, cakes   games of no-tap bowling, some other   Donate proceeds to the International
              and specialty items can add up to   attraction at your center (perhaps a   Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame.
              big pro ts, especially when guests   designated arcade game) and a game   12. Designate one weekend as
              stick around and utilize other center   of cribbage to develop a standings   “Vets’ Weekend.” Promote the
              amenities.                         sheet that can be posted perpetually.   fact that a certain amount per game
                3. Behind-the-scenes tours.      Award small trophies and free games   bowled or hour sold will be donated
              Take guests behind the pinsetting   of bowling as prizes.             to the Bowlers to Veterans Link. Be
              machines, inside the pro shop’s drill   8. Designate August as “Tourna-  sure to have a  shbowl at the counter

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