Page 6 - BCM May 2024
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                MAY 2024 • ISSUE 5

              9 UP FRONT                         58 DEVOURING DENVER
                                                 Locals suggest 10 restaurants for
              10 BUSINESS NEWS                   pre- or post-Bowl Expo dining.
              Next big test for string machines:
              a PBA50 tournament in Florida.     72 ONE OF US
                                                 Getting involved with the BPAA
              15 STATE REPORTS                   increased business IQ of Watts.
              Indiana BCA prepares to toast the  By Dennis Bergendorf
              special history of Hoosier bowling.
              19 BEC INDUSTRY BRIEFS
              AEI tops record again; downtown    61 INSIGHT                         Brass Monkey Citywalk in Dubai earned
              Vegas gets a duckpin installation.                                    “Best New Center” honors in the inter-
                                                 62 MARKETING                       national division of the 39th annual
              24 TIMELINE                        In the summer,  ll lanes by any
              21 million watch PBA telecast; a   means necessary… well, almost.     BCM Bowling Center Architecture and
                                                                                    Design Awards. Full results in words and
              new Pro-Am format introduced.
                                                 By Greg Perkins                    pictures: page 45.
              27 IN-DEPTH                        64 D.C. WATCH                      9 BY THE NUMBERS
                                                 Things continue to evolve in wake
              28 BPAA HALL OF FAME               of recent credit card settlements.  7.3
              Al Blough’s secret for success:    By Brandon Palumbo                 12 PEOPLE, PLACES & THINGS
              “Just make sure they have fun.”                                       22 AT YOUR SERVICE
              By Dennis Bergendorf               66 ACCOUNTING                      Derreck Breeden
                                                 Paying the boss too much… or too
              32 SALES SMARTS                    little… can attract attention of IRS.  26 PRODUCTS & SERVICES
              Previewing Roger Grannis’s tips    By Mark E. Battersby
              at Expo to get people to say yes.                                     27 PROFIT BREAK
              By Johnny Campos                   67 ATTRACTIONS INSIDER             Bowl Expo countdown continues
                                                 New games to watch after AEI,      with  ve new episodes going live.
              34 DANKOFF AWARD
              Relentless work and willingness    with data to come by Bowl Expo.    27 MUST READ
              to help others de ne Joe LaSpina.  By Howard McAuli e                 “ChatGPT in O ce 365” — the
              By Barry Sparks                                                       2024 edition, by Liam Carter

              38 YOU’VE COME A LONG WAY          MORE                               59 BCM BUYERS’ GUIDE
              Media award to Monacelli, Weber                                       61 FOOD & BEVERAGE
              Ambassador honors for Crawley.     2 FRONT LINES                      Using tapas to spike beer sales:
              By Bob Johnson                     The coolest thing about CUSBC’s    ¿Anyone for albondigas en salsa?
              40 COVER STORY                     new hall of famer, Dave Williams.  61 TRENDING
              Global bowling business: where     By Bob Johnson                     More and more restaurants use
              we are and what the future holds.  6 A MESSAGE FROM BPAA              “secret menus” to generate buzz.
              By Bob Johnson
                                                 A behind-the-scenes look at our    61 DIGITAL DIGEST
              45 BCM DESIGN AWARDS               industry’s premier B-to-B event.   Facebook can be a fabulous tool,
              A look at seven stunning winners   By Mandy Haws                      but you need to work it properly.
              from the International Division.
                                                 8 SAVE THE DATE                    By Carey Tosello
              56 RESTAURANTS                                                        61 QUOTE/UNQUOTE
              Alison Anne: “Sane” can co-exist   9 AT DEADLINE                      Dave Barry
              with food-and-beverage success.    Manteca, California: A once-tiny
              By Barry Sparks                    town is becoming a bowling hub.    69 CLASSIFIED PAGES

              4  •  BCM  •  MAY 2024                                                       

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