Page 58 - BCM May 2024
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               ‘Sane’ Can Co-exist                                                  dependable workers today,” she says.
                                                                                    “   ey can choose from a number of
                  With F&B Success                                                  jobs.    ey want to feel valued and
                                                                                      Leaders should ask employees
                                                                                    what motivates them — money,
                Running pro  table restaurants and bars may seem like a             praise, more responsibility? What are
                daunting task, but Alison Anne will be in Denver to assist.         their aspirations and how can you
                                                                                    help them achieve them?
                                       BY BARRY SPARKS                                Each person’s emotional and
                                                                                    physical well-being is important, and
                   lison Anne, leader of Restaurant   an actor. She graduated Magna   that starts at the top, stresses Anne.
              A Revolution, says she believes    cum Laude from the University of     “Managers, as well as hourly
              in the revolutionary idea that you   Maryland with a B.A. in    eater,   employees, should make it a point to
              can have a wildly successful bar or   English Language and Literature.   get enough sleep, exercise, develop
              restaurant without sacri  cing your   She continued to work in bars and   outside interests and take care of
              sanity or social life. If you don’t think   restaurants during college. After   themselves.”
              it’s possible, you should plan to   graduation, she found more success   If you’re not taking care of yourself,
              attend her presentation, “Restaurant   in the hospitality industry than her   it changes how you interact with
              Management 201,” at Bowl Expo on   acting career.                     other employees and customers.
              July 3.                              “I fell in love with the positive parts   Grumpy and irritable managers and
                   e 20-year veteran of the hospi-  of the hospitality industry,” she says.   employees seldom deliver a memo-
              tality industry will present the top   “And I kept getting promoted. Soon, I   rable customer experience.
              10 management training topics that   saw it as my long-term career.”    Whether you’re a rookie or a
              can help you build a strong team that   Anne eventually became com-   veteran, Anne says lack of focus is
              looks out for one another, takes care   munications and events director at a   typically a big problem.
              of themselves (mentally and physi-  leading Washington, D.C., sports bar,   “It’s easy to get sucked into the
              cally) and makes the business thrive.  overseeing 50 employees and a $5   drama of the day or get caught up in
                Too often, management and hourly   million per year operation.      minor duties that should be done by
              employees in the bar and restaurant   “As I moved up the ladder, I gained   another employee,” she says. “I show
              industry are dissatis  ed, overworked   an essential understanding of what it   people where to put their focus and
              and burned out.    is leads to subpar   takes to be a good manager in terms   how to develop a step-by-step plan.”
              work performance, diminished cus-  of both maximizing pro  ts and sup-  Lack of accountability and low
              tomer experience and a   nancially   porting my people,” says Anne, who   employee morale are two other
              underachieving business.           is credentialed with the International   common problems. Having an action
                During her career, Anne developed   Coaching Federation as a profes-  plan is crucial, but it won’t succeed
              a knack for drilling down into the   sional certi  ed coach.          if people are not held accountable.
              heart of what makes restaurants and   Multiple skills are required to run   How do you hold them account-
              restaurant people tick.            a successful operation. Among the   able? Find out from your employees
                She started as a hostess and busser   topics Anne will address at Bowl   the best way you can help them be
              at age 17, working for a small, family-  Expo are time management, estab-  accountable. It could be a daily text
              owned restaurant in her hometown.   lishing priorities, training, marketing,   or a face-to-face meeting; the same
                 en she became a waitress.    e job   planning,   nancial systems and   method doesn’t work for everyone.
              was fun, but it could be stressful.  more.                              Even if you aren’t able to attend the
                While she enjoyed the hospitality   Anne says leaders can’t do it   presentation, Anne says there are two
              industry, she set her sights on being   all, and they shouldn’t have to. To   major takeaways from her presenta-
                                                   be a leader, however, you need   tion you can implement right away:
                                                   employees to follow you. She       n Schedule a weekly managers’
              To view a Bowling                    believes part of being an excellent   meeting with an agenda, action list
              University “Pro  t                   leader is developing relationships   and who’s accountable for each
              Break” interview                     with employees, showing them you   item. Make sure you consistently
              with Alison Anne,                    care and helping them cope and   hold the meeting, preferably at the
              scan this QR code.                   take care of themselves.         same time and day of the week.
                                                     “   ere is a shortage of good,             (continued on page 68)

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