Page 52 - BCM June 2024
P. 52


              Ready to Become

              a Super Hero for

              Your Business?

              AI is here and its promise is unlimited. Rather than
              being intimidated by it, Steve Lerch, Courtney Ramsey
              and Jon Lakefish say you should embrace it.

              BY BARRY SPARKS                                                                 (Note: This image created by AI.)

                   ave you ever been in a room   says AI can potentially change     and attract a larger crowd.
              H with 1,000 geniuses and asked    the framework for marketing and      n Student Bowling Leagues. Start
              them to brainstorm ideas on how to   branding. He will help Bowl Expo   a new bowling league specifically for
              improve your business?             attendees understand the AI tools   students. Offer flexible scheduling to
                The odds are no one has. But Story   and how to use them to enhance   accommodate busy school sched-
              Arc Consulting’s Steve Lerch, a 2024   their marketing and branding.  ules. Promote the league as a fun
              International Bowl Expo Boot Camp    “Most small-business owners      way for students to socialize, stay
              speaker, says artificial intelligence   don’t know how to use AI for their   active and learn a new skill.
              can provide a similar experience.   business,” he says. “The beauty of   n School Spirit Nights. Partner
              Better still, it’s not complicated to   AI is you don’t have to be Nike or   with local schools to offer dis-
              use, nor is it expensive.          Macy’s to use it and benefit from it.”  counted bowling for students,
                “AI is like the internet was 25    AI offers small-business owners a   faculty and staff who wear their
              years ago,” he says. “It will be as   cost-effective way to become more   school colors or spirit wear. Con-
              transformative as the computer and   productive and efficient. There are   sider offering prizes for the school
              the internet were. What it can do is   basic, free AI platforms, as well as   with the most participants.
              absolutely amazing.”               advanced platforms that cost as little   AI also can create content. I asked
                ChatGPT (generative pre-trained   as $20 per month.                 ChatGPT to create three Facebook
              transformer) is an artificial intel-  So, what are some of the things   posts for August featuring winter
              ligence program that generates     that AI technology — such as Open   leagues, back-to-school bowling and
              dialogue. It can process our natural   AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini or   glow bowling. Within five seconds, I
              human language and generate a      Amazon’s Claude — can do?          received these recommendations:
              response in seconds. It can answer   For one, it can brainstorm. Stumped   n Post 1: Winter League Sign-
              questions, write letters, develop    to come up with new promotions,   Up. Get ready for a season of strikes
              content for websites, simplify com-  employee incentives or menu items   and spares! Sign up now for our
              plicated topics and much more.     for your restaurant or bar? Let AI   winter bowling leagues and join
                Courtney Ramsey’s topic for Bowl   help you.                        the fun. Whether you’re a seasoned
              Expo is: “How to Save Time Using     I asked ChatGPT to generate three   pro or new to the game, we’ve got a
              ChatGPT.” The talent develop-      back-to-school promotions, and     league for you. Don’t miss out on the
              ment consultant says, “ChatGPT     within five seconds here’s what it   action — reserve your spot today!
              can save proprietors and operators   came up with:                      #WinterBowling
              30 to 60 minutes a day. It’s a great   n Back-to-School Bash. Host an   #BowlingLeague
              small-business tool. It’s like having   event with games, music and prizes.   #Strike
              a highly competent and efficient   Offer discounted bowling, arcade     [Image: A group of friends bowling
              personal assistant who works for you   games, food and drinks. Consider   and having a great time.]
              24/7.”                             partnering with local schools or
                Jon Lakefish of the Lakefish Group   organizations to promote the event       (continued on page 122)

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