Page 34 - BCM June 2024
P. 34


                 Things Have Changed

                 Anticipate all of your Expo favorites — just with a di  erent schedule.

                   nyone who has been attending   dining destination or simply enjoying   TUESDAY • JULY 2
              A International Bowl Expo for      the restaurants and bars at the Gaylord   8 a.m.-4 p.m. — Registration.
              several years may want to turn o   their   Rockies Resort.              9-11 a.m. — Industry Awards Brunch.
              body’s auto drive and muscle memory   Registration is still open at bowlexpo.  11 a.m.-4 p.m. — Trade Show at
              features when they arrive at Denver   com, and convention rates are guaran-  Gaylord Rockies Convention Center.
              International Airport and transfer to   teed through June 6. Meanwhile, here’s
              the nearby Gaylord Rockies Resort.   a day-by-day look at the schedule:  WEDNESDAY • JULY 3
                 at’s because the Boot Camps won’t                                    8 a.m.-Noon — Registration.
              be held on a Sunday, the Trade Show   SATURDAY • JUNE 29                8-9:30 a.m. — Breakfast, featuring
              won’t take place on a Wednesday and   9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. — Boot Camps:   keynote speaker Donald Miller.
                 ursday, and little about the event’s   Master AI Basics to Propel Your Busi-  9:45-10:45 a.m. — Seminars: Mas-
              schedule will be what regulars would   ness (Steve Lerch), Growing Leagues   tering the TOTAL Approach in Restau-
              call “normal.”                     for Any Business Model (Gerald     rants (Donald Burns), Social Media
                But the Expo — scheduled for Sat-  Morrow and Kelly Bednar), and    Advertising (Nicole Krug), Managing
              urday, June 30, through Wednesday,   Banqueting for Entertainment Centers   Versus Leading Versus Coaching (Jason
              July 3 — will still feature everything   (Ryan Grom  n and John Karabatsos).  Brooks), and Navigating the Future of
              regulars have come to love about it.   Noon-5 p.m. — Registration.    the Games Industry (Amber Lambert
                 at includes the aforementioned    1-5 p.m. — BPAA Committee        and Steve Lamoreaux).
              Boot Camps and Trade Show, great   Meetings.                            11 a.m.-Noon — Seminars: Selling
              speakers, a robust education program                                  Non-Alcoholic Beverages (Kurt Moody),
              and ample networking opportunities.  SUNDAY • JUNE 30                 AI in Marketing and Branding (Jon
                   ree keynotes — not just one — will   8 a.m.-7 p.m. — Registration.  Lake  sh), Your Recipe for In  uence
              be featured, to be delivered by a per-  9-10:30 a.m. — Breakfast and   and Success (Roger Grannis), and Your
              sonality from the world of sports (Tim   Networking.                  Next Steps to Modernize, Expand and/
              Tebow), a leader from the business   10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. — BPAA     or Build (David Wallace).
              world (Donald Miller), and a star of the   Annual Meeting.              Noon-1:30 p.m. — Lunch, featuring
              Fox News Channel (Dana Perino).      12:30-1:30 p.m. — Boxed Lunches   keynote speaker Dana Perino.
                When the time comes to honor     and Networking.                      1:45-2:45 p.m. — Seminars: Restau-
              bowling business contributors, the   1-5 p.m. — BPAA Board of Directors   rant Management 201 (Alison Anne),
              presentations will take place not at the   Meeting.                   Using AI to Enhance the Bowling
              traditional luncheon but rather at an   1:30-3 p.m. — Sponsor Pavilion:   Center Experience (Tim Hines), How to
              Industry Awards Brunch.            Brunswick Bowling.                 Save Time Using ChatGPT (Courtney
                And while the education program    1:30-4:45 p.m. — Super Session:   Ramsey), and Embracing Technology
              remains far-reaching, the schedule   Building a Story Brand (Christy Kern).  with Self-Serve Kiosks (panel).
              has been revamped to include slightly   3:15-4:45 p.m. — Sponsor Pavilion:   3-3:25 p.m. — Edu-Talks: Food
              shorter seminars as well as new,   QubicaAMF.                         Service (Donald Burns), Digital
              fast-paced “Edu-Talks.” Virtually every   7-9 p.m. — Welcome Reception.  Marketing (Nicole Krug), Leadership
              aspect of running a successful bowling                                (Courtney Ramsey), and Game Room
              center or bowling entertainment center   MONDAY • JULY 1              Merchandising (Megan Burtch).
              will be covered in these sessions, pro-  7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. — Registration.  3:40-4:05 p.m. — Edu-Talks:
              viding proprietors with lots of useful   8-9 a.m. — Breakfast and Networ-  Bar Business (Kurt Moody), AI (Jon
              information and suggestions to digest,   king.                        Lake  sh), Food and Beverage (Alison
              take back home and implement.        9-11 a.m. — General Session, featu-  Anne) and Game Card Systems (Jason
                Even though the schedule is packed,   ring keynote speaker Tim Tebow.  Mitchell).
              it includes three free evenings for   11 a.m.-4 p.m. — Trade Show at    7-10 p.m. — Club Xpo, featuring    e
              checking out a downtown Denver     Gaylord Rockies Convention Center.  Rock Gods.

              32  •  BCM  •  JUNE 2024                                                     

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