Page 32 - BCM June 2024
P. 32


                        1949                              1999                      agreed to host a PWBA tournament
                                                                                    with only four months’ lead time yet
                                                                                    still made a $10,000 profit, is named
                      SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO             TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO
                                                                                    Bowlers Journal’s Proprietor of the
              n The Indiana State Fair Board refuses   n Veteran Cincinnati proprietor and   Year.
              to honor its original commitments to   tournament promoter Erv Hoinke Jr. is
              the American Bowling Congress, so the   selected to receive BPAA’s highest hon-  2014
              site for the 1950 ABC Tournament is   or, the Victor Lerner Memorial Award.
              switched to Columbus, Ohio.                                                     TEN YEARS AGO
                                                 n The New York City PBA Experience
                        1974                     takes over Bryant Park in the Big Ap-  n Former President George W. Bush
                                                 ple’s Theater District. Mayor Rudy Gi-
                                                                                    will deliver the
                                                 uliani receives a gold bowling pin from   keynote address at
                         FIFTY YEARS AGO
                                                 Brunswick, and Drew Carey, Kevin   International Bowl
              n Meadows Bowl, a 64-lane center in   James and Terrell Davis are among the   Expo in Orlando.
              Indianapolis, has been selected to host   celebrities in attendance. Although it’s
              the 1975 WIBC Championship Tourna-  difficult to see the pin action on televi-  n Bill and Barb Chris-
              ment. The Indiana Convention Center   sion during the made-for-TV event and   man receive the In-
              will be the site of the WIBC Annual   the shade from nearby trees makes   dustry Service Award   George W. Bush
              Meeting.                           targeting a challenge for the bowlers,   from the Billiard and
                                                 the Experience is deemed a success by   Bowling Institute of America. The cou-
              n A multi-million-dollar sports center   PBA Commissioner Mark Gerberich   ple had recently donated $25,000 to Su-
              with a twist has opened in Osaka, Japan.   because of its P.R. value. “This is like   san G. Komen for the Cure to help the
              The center includes four bowling lanes,   our advertising for the year,” he says.  United States Bowling Congress reach
              specially designed by Brunswick, to                                   its goal of making a $1 million donation
              assist those with certain handicaps.   n Bowling’s Salute to Champions, an   to that cancer-fighting foundation.
              With the use of guide rails and various   annual fundraiser for the International
              devices, those who are in wheelchairs or   Bowling Hall of Fame and Museum,   n A new concept called Punch Bowl
              blind can experience and enjoy bowling   honors Joyce Deitch of WIBC and   Social is coming to downtown Detroit.
              more. The center is operated by the   Remo Picchietti of DBA Products Inc.   The venue will offer craft cocktails,
              Osaka city government.             Nearly 400, including boxing legend   upscale comfort food, ping pong
                                                 Sugar Ray Leonard, attend the black-  tables, shuffleboard, darts, marbles,
              n Proprietor Frank Esposito and writer   tie gala in St. Louis, pushing the total   retro video games and eight lanes of
              Chuck Pezzano are elected to the in-  raised for the museum to $1 million.  bowling.
              augural class of the PBA Hall of Fame.
              They are joined by legendary bowlers   n A week after his assistant, Bonnie   n Frank DeSocio has been named the
              Don Carter, Dick Weber, Harry Smith,   Zitek, resigned her position at the   new executive director of the BPAA,
              Carmen Salvino, Ray Bluth and the late   National Bowling Stadium in Reno, Di-  filling a position that has been vacant
              Billy Welu.                        rector of Operations Jack Cook follows   since Steve Johnson was shown the
                                                 her out the door — but is mum about   door in late 2013.
              n The American Bowling Congress is   the reason. “I gave… the (Reno-Sparks
              investigating the possible need for a ball   Convention and Visitors Authority)   n QubicaAMF has announced that the
              hardness specification.            board a five-page letter spelling out   50th Bowling World Cup will be held in
                                                 why I left,” Cook says. “Ask them.”  Wroclaw, Poland.
              n  Revenue, net income and earnings
              per share of Bowl America Inc. break   n The International Bowling Pro Shop   n Patrick Lajko, the founder and presi-
              all-time records for the company.  and Instructors Association reveals   dent of CDE Software, is killed when
                                                 that former NASA flight director Gene   the motorcycle he was riding is struck
              n The first 300 game rolled at a center   Kranz will be the keynote speaker   by a car. Lance Rasmussen, who has
              equipped with the Rapid Score auto-  at IBPSIA’s 9th annual Educational   been with the company since 1992, is
              matic scoring system is recorded at   Conference at the Riviera Hotel in Las   named to succeed him.
              Plaza Lanes in Plymouth, Michigan.   Vegas.
              The bowler, Frank Padoreach, receives                                 n Bowlers Journal’s Proprietor of the
              a 19-inch color television set from the   n Larry DeMoss — owner of Junction   Year for 2014 is Tom Shannon of Bowl-
              company.                           Lanes in Newnan, Georgia — who     mor AMF.

              30  •  BCM  •  JUNE 2024                                                     

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