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                                                                                    by contacting Executive Director
                                                                                    Michele Colangelo at 817-822-9416
                                                                                    or President Jay Burnett.

                                                                                      The Washington State BPA is
                                                                                    hosting a center safety and active
                                                                                    shooter certification program on
                                                                                    Monday, June 10, at the Museum
                                                                                    of Flight in Seattle. The full-day
              The New York State BPA’s recent visit with state legislators in Albany was a success as   course offers a comprehensive
              the state association was able to make its primary concerns — business tax rates and   plan to protect customers and
              reclassi  cation with the SBA to improve lending rates — known. From the left: the   employees in the event violence
              Honorable Arthur “Jerry” Kremer, who has spearheaded the association’s lobbying   breaks out in a center. Guy Bev-
              e  orts for several years; Todd Parlato of Atlas Bowl in Trumansburg; Bill Cornell of   eridge will be conducting the ses-
              Del Lanes in Delmar and East Greenbush Lanes in East Greenbush; Joe LaSpina of   sion. The cost is $95 per employee,
              Maple Family Centers in Rockville Centre; Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon of   and centers bringing four or
              Assembly District 119; Eric Rothdiener of Vista Lanes in Yorkville; and John LaSpina of   more employees receive a $75 per
              Maple Family Centers.                                                 person rate. Registration includes
                                                                                    a continental breakfast, hosted
                 NEW YORK                        BPA Volunteer Doubles attracted    lunch, and complimentary admis-
                The New York State BPA Board     265 teams and awarded more than    sion to the Museum of Flight at
              of Directors met via Zoom on April   $9,000 in prize money. Results   Boeing Field in Seattle. For further
              30. Board members approved a       can be found on bowltennessee.     information or to register, contact
              plan for an OTT (over-the-top)     com. Watch for information on the   Executive Director Greg Olsen at
              digital marketing campaign         2025 edition of the tournament,
              through Spectrum Media to run      which will be available soon…
              this September and October…        Applications are being accepted       WISCONSIN
              Registration is open for the Annual   for the Tennessee State BPA Board   The BCA of Wisconsin has an-
              Membership Meeting on July 23 at   of Directors. Anyone interested    nounced the five winners of its
              the Rivers Resort & Casino in Sche-  in volunteering in the Volunteer   2024 BCAW Scholarship Program
              nectady. NYSBPA-member centers     State to help move the association   awards. Recipients of the BCAW
              receive up to two free hotel nights   forward may apply on the associa-  Center Employee Scholarships are
              with registration before June 21…   tion’s website or contact Execu-  Kaydence Burclaw of T & C Lanes
              Visit for more associa-  tive Director Michele Colangelo at   in Wittenberg, Wyatt Dickinson of
              tion information.                  817-822-9416 or President Phillip   Dale’s Weston Lanes in Weston,
                                                 Cox… The Tennessee BPA will hold   Brady Goffard of Buzz Social in
                 OKLAHOMA                        its Annual Membership Meet-        Green Bay, and Carlie Lohman of
                The Oklahoma BPA will be         ing on Oct. 22-23. It will include a   Village Lanes in Superior. The 2024
              hosting its Annual Meeting on      networking event on the 22nd, with   BCAW-USBC Youth Scholarship
              Monday, July 22, at 6:30 p.m. at the   an education session, meeting and   winner is Terrence Ball of Classic
              new Andy B’s in Oklahoma City.     complimentary lunch on the 23rd.   Lanes in Menomonee Falls. Each
              The meeting will be followed by    Details will be announced soon.    award winner receives a $1,000
              a networking/happy hour for all                                       scholarship. BCAW’s Scholarship
              member centers and attendees of       VIRGINIA                        Program was started in 1995 to
              the Bowling Center Management        Applications are being accepted   provide recognition and assistance
              School that begins the next day. To   for the Virginia BPA Board of   to employees of BCAW-member
              register for the Annual Meeting, go   Directors. Proprietors are invited   centers and their families. The pro-
              to                to get involved and work together   gram has awarded approximately
                                                 to help move the association into   $130,000 to students continu-
                 TENNESSEE                       the future. Anyone interested may   ing their education beyond high
                The 25th annual Tennessee State   apply online at or   school.

              28  •  BCM  •  JUNE 2024                                                     

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