Page 26 - BCM June 2024
P. 26


              Anyone interested in becoming a    information.                       accepted for the KBPA Board of Di-
              part of the association’s board of di-                                rectors. Members are invited to get
              rectors — and getting involved with    KENTUCKY                       involved and work to move the as-
              moving the Idaho State BPA into      Save the date for what promises   sociation forward. Those interested
              the future — may apply at isbpa.   to be the best Kentucky BPA Annual   may apply online at kentuckybpa.
              com or contact Executive Director   Membership Meeting ever. The      com or contact Executive Director
              Michele Colangelo at mcolangelo@   event will begin with a networking   Michele Colangelo at mcolangelo@
     or President Vernon       golf outing on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at or President Kent Bur-
              Oeretel.                           Juniper Hills Golf Course in Frank-  gan.
                                                 fort. Then on Wednesday, Sept.
                 IOWA                            18, proprietors will gather at the    LOUISIANA
                The Iowa BPA is planning its     nearby Capitol Plaza Hotel, where    Allen Cope and Stuart Moss,
              summer Trade Show, Seminars and    featured speaker Bob Pacanovsky    both of Premier Lanes in Gonzales,
              Annual Meeting. “Chapter 2024”     will talk about “The Big Four to   have been elected president and
              will present information on tech-  Creating More Storytellers.” Fol-  vice president, respectively, of the
              nology, security, food and bever-  lowing a complimentary lunch and   Louisiana BPA. The election took
              age, as well as a youth forum. The   the membership meeting, attend-  place at the association’s Annual
              dates are Tuesday and Wednesday,   ees will cap off the day with a tour   Meeting, held on April 17 in Ham-
              July 30-31, at the Meskwaki Hotel,   of the Woodford Reserve Distillery   mond. Joining Cope and Moss on
              Casino and Convention Center in    in Versailles. It’s a must-attend   the association’s board of direc-
              Tama. Call Bev Van Blair at 641-   event, so stay tuned for more in-  tors are Shirley Crowley, Creole
              831-9581 for details and registration   formation… Applications are being   Lanes; Kim Bogan, All Star Lanes;

              24  •  BCM  •  JUNE 2024                                                     

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