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              — together spanning more than                    PEOPLE, PLACES & THINGS
              98,000 square feet and housing 90
              lanes, banquet rooms and other
              amenities — as well as the underly-   Severna Park Lanes won the “Best Place for Family Entertainment”
              ing eight acres of land.    e all-cash   category in the annual “Best of Severna Park” voting conducted by the
              transaction is expected to close this   Severna Park (Maryland) Voice newspaper. The center also topped that
                                                    category in     … WMUR, the ABC-TV affiliate in Manchester, New Hamp-
              month.    e Strobl family had always   shire, recently polled its viewers to determine the best bowling alleys in
              been strong supporters of certi  ed   the state. Not surprisingly, the top five vote-getters are candlepin opera-
              competition, as demonstrated by its   tions:  . Exteter Bowling Lanes in Exeter;  . Lakeside Lanes in Manches-
              long-standing agreement to house      ter;  . Bowl-O-Rama Family Fun Center in Portsmouth;  . Bowling Acres
              the Greater Detroit Bowling Hall of   in Peterborough; and  . Leda Lanes in Nashua… Just days after reopening,
              Fame. “   underbowl’s impressive      Just-In-Time Recreation was back in the business of helping the local
              facilities and prime location near    Lewiston, Maine, community by hosting a Bowl for Kids’ Sake event to
              Detroit complement our existing       benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters… A judge was scheduled to decide at the
              portfolio, furthering our commit-     end of May whether Duke Webb, the former U.S. Army sergeant accused of
                                                    killing three people and wounding several others on Dec.   ,     , at Don
              ment to strategic growth and en-      Carter Lanes in Rockford, Illinois, is mentally competent to stand trial…
              hancing the guest experience in new   Round  Bowling & Arcade, the Japan-based multi-entertainment chain, is
              markets,” said    omas Shannon,       expanding its footprint in the Phoenix area with a second area location at
              founder and chief executive o   cer   the Chandler Fashion Center. It will occupy   ,    square feet in a former
              of Bowlero. “We eagerly anticipate    Sears location. Round ’s first area location is in the Arrowhead Towne
              integrating    underbowl Lanes into   Center in Glendale, Arizona… Working with old infrastructure can present
              the Bowlero family as we continue     challenges when remodeling, but work is moving forward on the “tough
              our growth trajectory.”    e acqui-   old building” that housed the Cedar Hill Bowling Center and Hilltop Res-
              sition of    underbowl brings the     taurant in Skaneateles, New York. Plans for the revamped venue call for
                                                    bowling lanes, a golf simulator, arcade, a beer tasting room, a restaurant
              company’s center count in Michi-      with outdoor seating, a coffee shop and    hotel rooms. At present, the
              gan to six.                           developer is working to preserve the bowling center’s old wood beams,
                                                    something that locals would remember… The likelihood of Red Rock
              Dennis Hacker to Become               Resorts moving forward with its planned new property in the Inspirada
              New President of the USBC             neighborhood of Henderson, Nevada, got a boost when the company’s Du-
                Delegates elected three board       rango resort opened with impressive numbers. The company has said that
              members, attended a variety of        when Inspirada is developed, it would include movie theaters and a small,
              educational seminars and were         by Vegas standards, bowling center.
              on hand for a celebration of Glenn
              Allison during a jam-packed 2024
              United States Bowling Congress     ments of Hacker as president and   New Site Is Found to Replace
              Convention and Annual Meeting      Mike Cannington of Fort Myers,     Executive Strike and Spare
              at South Point Hotel, Casino and   Florida, as vice president. Each will   Strike and Spare Family Enter-
              Spa.    e ballot for the USBC board   serve a two-year term beginning   tainment has identi  ed a new loca-
              election originally had four candi-  Aug. 1. Team USA athletes elected   tion to replace the venerable Execu-
              dates slated by the USBC Nominat-  David Haynes of Las Vegas, Na-     tive Strike and Spare Family Fun
              ing Committee, but one candidate   vada, and Matt Russo of Ballwin,   Center adjacent to the Kentucky
              withdrew from consideration prior   Missouri, to the board, while the   Exposition Center.    e company’s
              to the convention, leaving Den-    Athletes Advisory Committee   lled   new Louisville venue will take over
              nis Hacker of Longtown, Missouri;   a vacant board position by appoint-  a shuttered Dick’s Sporting Goods
              Chrissy Lee of Tampa, Florida;     ing Shannon Pluhowsky of Dayton,   store near Je  ersontown. It will
              and Matthew Voltz of Fargo, North   Ohio. Christopher Floyd of Lock-  include 34 lanes, an eight-lane VIP
              Dakota, as the remaining   nal     port, Louisiana, was reelected to the   suite, a full bar and restaurant, party
              candidates. With three candidates   board by the IBC Youth Committee.   areas and an arcade with more than
              for three open positions, all were      e 2025 USBC Convention will   60 games. According to a document
              con  rmed to the board in a vote by   return to the South Point, running     led with Louisville Metro Planning
              acclimation of the delegates.    e   May 5-8, in conjunction with the   and Design, the project will cost
              board also announced the appoint-  USBC Women’s Championships.        $4.5 million to build out.

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