Page 18 - BCM June 2024
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              more items… that we have in our    taining the location as a community gathering spot but weren’t sure how to
              archives and are unable to display,   accomplish that goal. One day, Spring  eld Township’s director of admin-
              and share them with the bowling    istrative services happened to be having a pint at the original HighGrain
              community.”                        and struck up a conversation with ownership.    e topic of the company’s
                                                 growth and the pains that came with it came up. Lightbulbs appeared above
                                                 heads. More serious conversations took place and the spirit, if not the
                                                 bowling aspect, of Brentwood Bowl was saved. Meanwhile, Ludlam Island
                                                 Brewery in New Jersey’s Cape May County also is expanding. Ludlam’s new
                                                 taproom opened on May 17 after an extensive renovation of the old Mouse
                                                 Trap Lanes.    e 12-lane center closed in June 2021.
                                                 Strobl Family Sells the Iconic Thunderbowl to Bowlero
                                                   Little more than a year after the passing of proprietor Tom Stobl at the
                                                 age of 81, one of America’s legendary bowling venues —    underbowl
                                                 Lanes in Allen Park, Michigan — is being sold to multi-unit operator
              Brentwood Bowl’s colorful “Creatress”   Bowlero Corp.    underbowl opened in 1962 and was purchased by Strobl
              mural is being retained by the property’s   and his brother Jim in 1997. In 1999, the center hosted the PBA’s   rst World
              new owners, who have transformed the   Series of Bowling, a budget-stretching venture that enabled the PBA to tape
              venue into a brewery. Some of the cen-  multiple telecasts without the costs involved in moving from city to city. A
              ter’s interior   xtures and furniture also   post on    underbowl’s Facebook page read, “   e family would like to thank
              survived the trash heap.           the bowling community, the City of Allen Park, the sta   and the manage-
                                                 ment of    underbowl Lanes for all (the) wonderful memories and we wish
              2 Erstwhile Bowling Centers        for many more to come with Bowlero.” According to Bowlero, the purchase
              Have New Life as Breweries         agreement includes both the vast bowling center and its connected Arena
                No business lasts forever, but
              when a bowling center closes, a
              community often loses a cherished
              meeting place. In Ohio and New Jer-
              sey, two venerable bowling centers
              may be gone, but at least they’re
              being replaced by a di  erent type
              of meeting place: breweries. In the
              Cincinnati area, HighGrain Brew-
              ing Co. recently opened its doors
              inside the former Brentwood Bowl
              in Spring  eld Township.    e new
              facility boosts HighGrain’s brewing
              capacity while serving as a beach-
              head into a new neighborhood.      Thunderbowl Lanes, the largest center in the United States with a unique arena bay,
              Some of the features and   xtures   has been sold by the Strobl family to Bowlero Corp.
              from the former bowling center
              remain, including signs and origi-
              nal seating.    e owners also have
              retained Brentwood Bowl’s color-
              ful “Creatress” mural, long a visual
                xture on Winton Road. How did
              the conversion come about? Around
              the time that HighGrain was ready
              to expand, Spring  eld Township
              was purchasing the Brentwood Bowl
              property from a developer. Commu-
              nity o   cials were focused on main-

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