Page 24 - BCM June 2024
P. 24


              Adult/Youth Event Successful

                  he 2024 BCA of Florida’s
              T Adult/Youth Tournament has
              drawn to a close with nearly 300
              teams from more than 30 BCAF-
              member centers participating and
              an estimated $8,000 in scholarships
              to be awarded to Florida youth
                Orlando’s Boardwalk Bowl and
              Jennifer Halpern were fantastic
              hosts, QubicaAMF and Classic
              Products sponsored the registra-
              tion bags, and Tournament Direc-
              tor Bruce Combs (with volunteers
              Sandy Combs, Larry Butler and Cee
              Butler and BCAF board members
              Steve Perry, Ley Burkett and Chris
              Arbour) donated their time to en-  Boardwalk Bowl in Orlando was packed with bowlers for the BCA of Florida’s annual
              sure the event went smoothly.      Adult/Youth Tournament, which awarded $8,000 in scholarships.
                Board members Michelle Sprague
              and Evelyn Baumes accompanied      ing should apply online at azbpa.  Convention Center, June 30-July 1,
              teams from their centers, and all   com or contact Executive Director   in conjunction with International
              the BCAF-member centers that par-  Michele Colangelo at 817-822-9416   Bowl Expo. This is happening right
              ticipated also deserve a shout-out   or President Stacy Anderson.     in members’ backyards, making
              as this event wouldn’t be possible                                    it extremely convenient to attend.
              without all of their support.         NORTHERN CALIFORNIA             Sign up by going to bowlcolorado.
                Tournament results should be       Following an informative pre-    com or contacting Robin Marshall
              posted on    sentation by Guy Beveridge at the   at 817-385-8472.
              The 2025 edition of the tournament   NorCal Bowling Centers’ Open
              will be held at Brandon Crossroads   Membership Meeting in April, the    CONNECTICUT
              Bowl in Tampa.                     association is gearing up for its next   The Connecticut BPA will be con-
                • In other association news, the   board of directors meeting, to be   ducting its 2024 Annual Meeting on
              2024 BCAF Annual Membership        held on June 16 at the Sacramento   Thursday, Sept. 12, at Spare Time
              Meeting will be held at Innisbrook   Rivercats game… Condolences      Vernon. All member proprietors
              Resort in Palm Harbor, Sept. 30-   to the family of Rodney “Bubba”    are invited to attend. It’s an elec-
              Oct. 1. Registration is now open at   Shaull of Paddock Bowl in Pa-   tion year, so if you are interested
                               checo. Shaull passed away on Feb.   in running for the board, contact
                                                 2 following a lifetime of bowling at   Robin Marshall at
                 ARIZONA                         Paddock Bowl and four years as its   or 817-385-8472 for further infor-
                The Arizona State BPA would love   general manager.                 mation.
              to hear from members interested in
              becoming a part of the association’s    COLORADO                        IDAHO
              board of directors. Proprietors are   The Colorado State BPA will be    The Idaho State BPA will host its
              invited to get involved and work to   conducting its Annual Networking   Annual Membership Meeting on
              move the Arizona State BPA into the   Event and Membership Meeting    Friday, Sept. 27, at the Eagles Lodge
              future. Anyone interested in serv-  at the Gaylord Rockies Resort and   in Hayden. Stay tuned for details…

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