Page 16 - BCM June 2024
P. 16


                Some customers admitted they     the same,” but with each passing   a memorial to those who lost their
              had been hesitant about returning,   minute… each frame rolled… each   lives last October, with each of 18
              but once they went inside, it was   bite of pizza taken… the center be-  bowling pins including the name of
              like they were back home. Bowling   gan to feel “normal” again.       one of the people. Second, in place
              centers — the good ones like Just-In-  With two big di  erences beyond   of the old masking units are several
              Time Recreation — impact people    the new   oors and carpet. First, the   photos of Lewiston — including
              that way.    ings may not have “been   reception desk area now includes   one depicting an iconic sign atop a
                                                                                    former mill with the word “hope-
                                                                                    ful” lit in marquee lights — donated
                                                                                    by a local company. Another panel
                                                                                    includes a simple but compelling
                                                                                    message: “Lewiston Strong.”
                                                                                      While the tragic memories of Oct.
                                                                                    25, 2023 will never be erased, at least
                                                                                    the residents of Lewiston can begin
                                                                                    making happy memories again.    ey
                                                                                    needed Just-In-Time Recreation to
                                                                                    reopen, and Justin and Samantha
                                                                                    Juray came through for them.

                                                                                    Museum Honors St. Louis
                                                                                    Association for Contribution
                                                                                         e St. Louis USBC Association
                                                                                    has been honored with the 2023
                                                                                    Striking Contribution Award for
                                                                                    making an extraordinary donation
                                                                                    to the International Bowling Mu-
                                                                                    seum and Hall of Fame.    e award
                                                                                    was introduced in 2022, with retired
                                                                                    Northern California proprietor John
                                                                                    Tierney as the recipient.    e St.
                                                                                    Louis association’s donation process
                                                                                    was led by Susan Bonner, who
                                                                                    helped bring more than 130 items to
                                                                                    the museum.    e items belonged to
                                                                                    USBC Hall of Famers Myrtle Shulte
                                                                                    and Berdie Speck and included
                                                                                    tournament medals and convention
                                                                                    delegate badges. Shulte was induct-
                                                                                    ed into the WIBC (now USBC) Hall
                                                                                    of Fame in 1965 for superior perfor-
                                                                                    mance, while Speck was inducted
                                                                                    a year later for meritorious service.
                                                                                    “We had these items in a box, and
                                                                                    the committee determined that they
                                                                                    should be preserved,” said Bonner.
                                                                                    “We are pleased to support the ef-
                                                                                    forts of the museum in sharing just
                                                                                    a little part of our amazing history.”
                                                                                    And the association is not done
                                                                                    looking for items to donate, Bonner
                                                                                    added. “We plan to look at some

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