Page 112 - BCM June 2024
P. 112


               Multiple generations of the Betti family, including Peter
               and Robert, gathered for this group shot on the occasion of
               Humbert and Catherine Betti’s 50th wedding anniversary.

              the company’s driving principles has been: Evolve to remain   game room fresh. A 27-month lease creates a natural cycle
              relevant.                                           for refreshing games.
                “If we had just focused on jukeboxes, we would have   Betti stresses that Betson Enterprises doesn’t just sell
              been out of business a long time ago,” stresses Betti.   arcade games; it provides installation, consultations, data
              “Critical issues to our growth have been how we respond to   analysis, design layout expertise and more.
              change, and how we constantly add value for our custom-  “If an arcade room isn’t successful, it doesn’t benefit us,”
              ers. We won’t let ourselves become complacent.”     he says. “We can create collection reports that show which
                Betti’s grandfather preached that the company was only   games are successful and which ones aren’t. We will work
              as successful as its customers. Consequently, the company   with the operator to achieve the optimal combination of
              has focused on minimizing down time of its arcade games.   games for success.”
              If a game is out of commission, proprietors are not making   Betson Enterprises places a high value on listening. It
              money.                                              recently added a director of customer experience position.
                The company established The Betson Technical University,   The company’s sales force listens to its customers, and front-
              a two-day training course offered four times each year. It   office executives listen to its sales force. Betti says the idea
              provides extensive hands-on arcade game room training for   for creating a parts package to be kept on site at the arcade
              all position levels.                                came from a customer’s recommendation.
                It developed a critical parts package for proprietors to   “It’s very important for us to know what customers are
              keep on site. The most common parts that break can quick-  thinking, what they need and want,” he says. “We want
              ly be replaced.                                     to meet or exceed their expectations. Customers are very
                A weekend tech hot line, staffed by experienced techni-  creative and a tremendous source of ideas. The next great
              cians, also is available.                           innovation will come from our customers.”
                Betson maintains a parts inventory, and customers can   Building strong relationships is another value that has
              order parts online 24/7. The company also can repair most   helped Betson Enterprises thrive for nine decades. It works
              parts.                                              diligently to take care of its work force, customers and
                All these features are designed to increase customer sat-  manufacturers.
              isfaction.                                            Betti believes everyone is a part of an ecosystem, with
                In the mid-1990s, Betson added financial services to its   each component relying on the other. It’s essential to keep
              repertoire. The company provides private lending, financing   each part healthy and thriving, and Betson Enterprises is
              and leasing to its customers.                       committed to doing so.
                “It makes us partners with our customers,” says Betti.    Betti adds that Betson Enterprises values its approximate
                The relationship has a two-fold benefit. It lowers the initial   340 staff members, many of whom have worked for the
              investment, and leasing helps customers keep their arcade   company for 20 to 40 years.

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