Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Bowl Expo is the bowling industry’s premier annual convention and trade show featuring exhibits with a wide array of products and services. The convention includes numerous interactive seminars and “how to” workshops, educating proprietors in the latest tools and technology to improve their profit margins.

Date: June 29 - July 3. Trade Show July 1 - 2.
Location: Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center National Harbor, MD.

Expected Attendance: Approximately 2,000+

Audience: Bowling/entertainment center owners, operators and their management staff, BPAA members, EBPA members, IBPSIA members, all branches of the U.S. Military, BPAA Board and Committee members, USBC representatives, PBA members and our industry partners.

Benefit Line: Exhibiting at Bowl Expo provides significant exposure to the bowling industry. 

Top 5 Reasons to Exhibit at Bowl Expo

  1. Over 2,000+ qualified buyers attend the show
  2. 90% of attendees are owners and/or senior management. Real decision makers.
  3. 85% of attendees purchase right on the show floor
  4. Multi-Unit and FEC Owners with large buying power
  5. Bowling is growing in the United States and other countries






Sales Contact Information


Chris Rush
Exhibitor Sales Associate
PH: 817-385-8480
FX: 817-633-6129

Justin Moore, CEM
Director of Meetings and Events
Bowling Proprietors' Association of America
621 Six Flags Drive
Arlington, TX 76011
PH: 817-385-8449
FX: 817-633-6129


Exhibitor Booth Pricing

  • Dimension: 10" x 10" (100 Sq. ft.) includes pipe and drape 3" side rails and 8" back.
  • 1st Booth: $1,995
  • 4 or more booths: $1,825 each additional
  • 8 or more booths: $1,695 each additional
  • 40 or more booths: $1,450 each additional
  • Corner Charge: $200


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