

Qualifications & Requirements
At-Large Director candidates must be an owner, partner, officer, director, or management employee of a Regular BPAA Member. An At-Large Director need not have a proprietary interest in the Regular Member's business in order to be eligible to serve as an At-Large Director. All applications shall be mailed or emailed to the BPAA Nominating Committee's staff liaison.
Requirements for candidates include:

  • Commitment to the work of the organization.
  • Knowledge and skills in one or more areas of board governance:  policy, finance, programs, personnel and/or advocacy.
  • Attendance at quarterly board meetings
  • Participation in conference calls and meetings of at least one national committee
  • Attendance at Annual Membership Meetings—January and June
  • Support of all association endorsed events
  • Financial support of industry-related charities including, but not limited to, The Bowling Foundation and International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame.

Responsibilities & Expectations—All Board Members

  1. Assist in determining the organization's mission, purpose and strategies. It is the Board's responsibility to create and review a statement of mission and purpose that articulates the organization's goals and strategies that will advance the association.
  2. Select the executive director. Boards must reach consensus on the executive director's contract and responsibilities and undertake a careful search to find the most qualified individual for the position.
  3. Support the executive director and assess his/her performance. The Board should ensure that the executive director has the moral and professional support he/she needs to achieve the goals of the BPAA.
  4. Provide proper financial oversight. The Board must approve the annual budget and ensure that proper financial controls are in place.
  5. Ensure adequate resources. One of the Board's foremost responsibilities is to provide adequate resources for the organization to fulfill its mission. 
  6. Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability.  The Board is ultimately responsible for ensuring adherence to legal standards and ethical norms.
  7. Assess Board performance. The Board has a responsibility to periodically and comprehensively evaluate its own performance.
  8. Enhance the association's public standing within the industry.The Board should clearly articulate the organization's mission, accomplishments, and goals to the industry and seek support from other industry partners.
  9. Determine, monitor, strengthen, and participate in the organization's programs and services. The Board's responsibility is to determine which programs are consistent with the organization's mission and to monitor their effectiveness. Participation in such programs and services is the best way to determine the value of programs and services being offered by the association.
  10. Identify and share trends, issues and news. The Board should discuss and research emerging "best practices," government policies and opportunities to determine prospect of advancement of the bowling industry.
  11. Monitor and adhere to the policies and procedures of the BPAA Board.  Board members will adhere to the travel, expense and governance policies set forth by the association. Members are expected to act with integrity and to use ethical conduct as they carry out their duties. Further, a board member's commitment includes proper use of authority and appropriate group and individual behavior when acting on behalf of BPAA and when attending BPAA meetings and events.
  12. Review the association's bylaws including board structure. The Board should recommend changes to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee which will then research and review changes.  Upon the committee's recommendation, the changes will be presented to the members of the association for consideration.

Meetings & Time Commitments

  • New Board Member Orientation. Prior to first board meeting, a four-hour orientation meeting will be scheduled to familiarize new board members with association and board practices.
  • Regular Board Meetings. The Board of Directors meet face-to-face at least four times each year and have occasional conference calls between meetings. Per BPAA Bylaws, Section 9.02d – Attendance of Directors: Any Director who misses two (2) consecutive Regular Meetings of the Board shall be removed from the Board automatically, except in cases where such Director is on active duty in the Armed Services or is permitted to remain by the Board due to extenuating circumstances. 
  • Meeting Preparations.Board members are asked to properly prepare for each meeting by reading board reports and materials sent approximately two weeks prior to each meeting.
  • Annual Membership Meetings. The association holds two annual membership meetings each year: one in January during the Mid-Winter Bowling Summit and one in June during the International Bowl Expo.
  • National Committees. Board members are requested to serve on at least one national committee.
  • Special Meetings and Events. Occasionally special board meetings and leadership training is scheduled for board members.

Election Process
The names of all qualified persons who have been selected by the Nominating Committee to serve as At-Large Directors shall be submitted by mail, email or otherwise published to the Regular Members at least thirty (30) days before the Annual Meeting.   The elected directors of this Association shall be elected by the Regular Members at the Annual Meeting in June of each year.
Directors are elected by the membership at the Annual Membership Meeting in June of each year. Directors serve for a two-year term commencing upon their election by the regular members at the annual meeting. At-large directors shall not serve as At-Large directors for more than four successive years. Directors may be released at the end of the elected term, by resigning or according to BPAA's bylaws. The term of office shall commence from July 1 and expire on June 30.

The Board of Directors, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of its members present at a duly called meeting of the Board, for good cause shown, may remove any Director from his or her directorship so long as the Director is informed in advance, in writing, of the reason for such removal and he or she is afforded an opportunity to be heard by the Board of Directors and to present evidence and documentation on his or her behalf prior to any such removal. Once removed, the Director shall be ineligible thereafter to be nominated to serve as an officer or Director of the Association unless otherwise authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.

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