

The BPAA Board of Directors meets four times each year to conduct Association business and to further the mission of the BPAA.  Expenses incurred for travel to these business meetings will be reimbursed per the following guidelines and policies as approved by the Board, Officers and Executive Director.  The purpose of this document is to ensure that (1) adequate cost controls are in place, (2) travel and other expenditures are appropriate and (3) to provide a uniform and consistent approach to outline authorized expenses. Further, when Board members incur business expenses, the Association expects:

  • Board members to exercise discretion and good business judgment with respect to all expenses;
  • Be cost conscious and spend the Association’s money as carefully and judiciously as the individual would spend his or her own money; and
  • Report expenses, supported by all required documentation, as they were actually spent.

Travel expense forms will be accepted via email and email address will constitute an authorized signature.

Receipts are required for all expenses.  IRS guidelines require receipts for all reimbursed expenses.  If receipts are lost, the expense may be subject to non-reimbursement.  Restaurant receipts must be itemized receipt and include the names of guests written on the receipt.


  • Traveling by public carrier is encouraged whenever possible.  The most cost effective means of travel, usually coach airfare, should be used.  Any exceptions require the prior written approval of the Executive Director or President. 
  • Travel should be booked no less than 14 days prior to the event, preferably 30 days in advance.  Travel booked less than 14 days prior to a meeting may not be reimbursed in its entirety and will be at the discretion of the Executive Director, President and/or Treasurer. Any airfare over $500 must receive prior written approval from the Executive Director or President.   
  • If a method of transportation other than air is chosen, then that expense will be reimbursed, not to exceed the cost of the lowest available airfare. 

Example:  San Antonio is 275 miles from Arlington and to drive to Summit at the reimbursable mileage rate of $.565 would cost $310.75 roundtrip.  Add the daily parking fee of $25 per day for four days and total transportation would be $410.75. 

To fly from DFW to San Antonio, airfare averages $135 roundtrip.  Add shuttle service of $34 roundtrip and total transportation would be $169. 

Therefore, reimbursable amount is $169.00 NOT $410.75.

  • Car rentals will be reimbursed if such rental is deemed appropriate.  If so, rental companies with established corporate contracts with the BPAA should be utilized—contact Jackie or Laurie for assistance. 
  • If a taxi is more economical than car rental, a taxi should be used. 
  • Complimentary airport shuttles should be utilized when host hotel offers such service. 
  • Authorized use of personal vehicles on BPAA business, at the currently approved IRS rate, will be reimbursed.  Reimbursement for personal vehicle mileage includes wear, tear, and gas consumption. 
  • If gas is purchased for a rental vehicle and used specifically for a business purpose, a copy of the receipt is required and the actual expense will be reimbursed. 
  • § Necessary parking fees and tolls will be reimbursed at the amount incurred. 


Lodging, Meals & Entertainment

  • All hotel rooms are direct billed for board members and hotel reservations should be confirmed via email through the Executive Director’s assistant (who serves as the BOD liaison). 
  • If a member chooses to stay at a hotel other than the officially designated host hotel, BPAA will reimburse the lesser amount of the alternate hotel or the officially designated hotel. 
  • The maximum lodging nights to be reimbursed for a board meeting is two, except for the board meeting associated with the Bowling Summit, for which reimbursable lodging nights will be four.  Accommodations during International Bowl Expo will be determined by the Board annually. 
  • Exceptions to the maximum lodging nights when necessitated by air schedules and/or when necessitated by additional business must be approved in advance, with written approval from the Executive Director.
  • As approved by the Board and stated in the Governance Policy:  When group meals are provided at meetings or events, no reimbursement is allowed for that meal period. The reimbursable amount maximums are $15 for breakfast, $20 for lunch and $40 for dinner. Detailed, itemized receipts must be included as well as names of all persons who are covered with the receipt.  Prior approval from the Executive Director or President is required for any expenses in excess of noted amounts.
  • When a group of board members dine together, one board member can submit the receipt for all board members in attendance as long as each board member’s name is noted on the receipt and initialed by each board member.  However, if one board member pays cash to person presenting credit card for entire check, that amount should be deducted from receipt and noted on receipt accordingly.  Please do not submit entire receipt for reimbursement in these instances.
  • Expenses not covered include bar tabs (including in-room mini-bars), in-room movies, newspapers, hairdressers, barbers, toiletries and other personal expenses.
  • Spouses are invited to the board of directors’ dinner.  Please RSVP to the BPAA BOD liaison at least 14 days prior to meeting or event.
  • When reservations are made for board members to attend special events such as Club Expo, PBA tournament finals, shows, dinner, etc., board members are expected to cancel tickets no later than 14 days prior to event if they are not planning to attend.  If a board member does not cancel ticket/reservation and does not attend the event, his or her expense reimbursement check will reflect a deduction for the cost of the ticket for the event.



  • Board members receive complimentary full registration for Mid-Winter Summit and International Bowl Expo.  All board members are automatically registered  for each event.  Email BPAA BOD liaison if you will not attend.
  • If your spouse plans to attend Summit or Bowl Expo, they must register.  Please complete online registration, fax registration form or call to register your spouse.
  • Hotel reservations are made for all board members based on approved number of nights’ accommodations—currently 4 nights for Summit and as Board approves for Bowl Expo.  Board members should confirm itinerary at least three weeks prior to event.
  • At Bowl Expo where no board dinner is held, spouses receive a complimentary ticket to Club Xpo provided board remember requests an extra ticket at least 14 days prior to event.  Tickets for other social events may be purchased for guests at time of registration.
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