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              (continued from page 48)           and concentrate on the lessons that can   your cards yet, don’t be caught short
                                                 be found in peer-to-peer conversations.  with your traditional cards. It could cost
                7. Help yourself by helping others.   9. Pay it forward. While soaking   you a valuable contact.
              Prove your worth by offering proven   in as much information as possible   After Bowl Expo, be organized,
              solutions from the operation of your   should be your goal at Expo, success-  disciplined and proactive when reach-
              center. Focus on giving before getting.  ful networking requires that it be a   ing out to your new contacts because
                8. Focus on learning rather than   two-way street. So be prepared to share   becoming a champion networker can
              telling. Anyone who has been in the   information about your best programs   pay big dividends in your business
              business for any length of time has “war   and your best operational ideas in case   and personal life. Even if you end up
              stories” to tell. While such stories can be   anyone asks.            making just a few new contacts at Bowl
              entertaining, they rarely offer any useful   10. Bring plenty of business cards.   Expo, this is one activity in which a
              information. So, save them for parties   In case you haven’t gone digital with   “participation award” is perfectly okay.

              BOWL EXPO PREVIEW: AI

              (continued from page 50)           social-media posts; edit letters for gram-  were changed.
                                                 mar, clarity and length; develop an on-  “AI is not just a one-way conversa-
                n Post 2: Back-to-School Specials.   boarding process for new employees;   tion,” he says. “It’s a technology that
              School’s back in session, but the fun   help develop marketing campaigns;   can learn about you and your business.
              doesn’t have to end! Join us for our   summarize and simplify data; analyze   The more information you feed into it,
              back-to-school specials and enjoy   your website and more.            the better it understands your brand,
              discounted bowling, arcade games and   Although ChatGPT has many ben-  what you want and the style you prefer.
              more. It’s the perfect way to unwind   efits, it also has some limitations. It may   It’s your thought partner. It provides a
              after a long day of classes. See you on   occasionally generate incorrect infor-  starting point and will revise as per your
              the lanes!                         mation, produce biased content, and it   suggestions.”
                #BackToSchool                    has limited knowledge of the world and   Industry experts agree that if you
                #BowlingSpecials                 events after 2021.                 aren’t using AI in your business, now is
                #FamilyFun                         “AI is not replacing people,” stresses   an excellent time to start.
                [Image: A colorful image featuring   Lakefish. “It’s freeing up staff members   “Don’t be intimidated,” encourages
              back-to-school themed bowling pins.]  to focus their efforts on other tasks.”  Lerch. “AI isn’t complicated, hard or
                 n Post 3: Glow Bowling. Get ready   Harvard Business School professor   technical. Jump in and commit one
              to light up the night with Glow Bowling!   Karim Lakhani says, “Machines won’t   hour a week in your schedule to learn-
              Join us every Friday and Saturday for an   replace humans, but humans with   ing how to use it. You can very quickly
              electrifying experience you won’t forget.   machines will replace humans without   have better social-media posts, events
              With neon lights, upbeat music, and   machines.”                      and promotions.”
              glow-in-the-dark bowling balls, it’s fun   Points out Ramsey: “Many of the   Ramsey says, “The more you practice
              for the whole family. Don’t miss out on   tasks AI does are those proprietors or   using AI, the more you will want to use
              the glow!                          staff members don’t like to do or are too   it.”
                #GlowBowling                     mundane and, consequently, they are   Lerch believes everyone eventually
                #NeonNight                       often put off.”                    will use some form of AI.
                #FamilyFun                         Lakefish used AI to create all the   “AI is still in its infancy, and it has
                [Image: A vibrant image of glow   content for a company website, typi-  unbelievable potential for growth,” he
              bowling with neon lights and glowing   cally a difficult and time-consuming   says. “This is both an exciting and scary
              bowling balls.]                    task. AI delivered the content within   time, but one proprietors and operators
                These are just a few examples of what   several hours, completing a task that   should be a part of.”
              AI can do. It also can craft responses   otherwise would have taken two to   Lakhani compares ChatGPT to Iron-
              to negative Google or Yelp reviews;   six weeks, according to Lakefish. After   man’s suit. Tony Stark isn’t a superhero,
              compose an appreciation letter to an   the content was reviewed by multiple   but the Ironman suit makes him one. AI
              employee for 10 years of service; create   people in the company, only four words   can be your power suit.

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