Page 86 - BCM June 2024
P. 86


                              Seriously, If It

                    Was Good Enough

                      for Walt Disney…

                    Perhaps not as grandiose, but theming

                         can work wonders for proprietors.

              WHEN IT COMES to theming in the world of
              family entertainment, nobody out-themes
              Disney. How could they? The Walt Disney
              Company has a whole staff of “imagineers”
              — illustrators, architects, engineers, light-
              ing designers and graphic designers —
              who do nothing but dream up and design
              new themed attractions for the company’s
              parks around the world.
                While it would be impossible to compete
              with Disney in the realm of theming, count-
              less retailers, restaurateurs and purveyors
              of family entertainment have recognized
              the benefits of theming and implemented
              it — in less grandiose ways — into their
                The goal of a unique theme design is to
              reflect your brand’s personality, values and
              target audience. When you can deliver on
              that, you create a memorable experience
              that builds customer trust and loyalty.
                Chuck E. Cheese was a pioneer in restau-
              rant and party theming targeted at children
              and pulled it off using just two characters.
              The company has had its ups and downs
              but once again finds itself on solid footing
              even though the competition for children’s   Uncle Buck’s FishBowl & Grill, a joint venture between Bass Pro Shops and
              birthday parties has exploded in many mar-  Brunswick Bowling, broke the mold when it came to themed bowling venues.
              ket areas that Chuck E. Cheese serves.
                Another early adopter in the realm of
              themed restaurants was Rainforest Café. Founded     The ceiling and much of the walls were lined with
              in 1994, Rainforest Cafe really made its name in the   artificial foliage, while lower areas and booth seating
              late 1990s and early 2000s on the cutting edge of   were decorated with faux rock.
              animatronics. Each restaurant was designed to depict   The restaurant experienced quick growth, opening
              the atmosphere of a tropical rainforest, including fake   34 locations during a span of four years. The company
              plants, fog machines, waterfalls and rainforest animals.   also made a global mark during that span, opening

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