Page 39 - 2022 Member Benefits Guide
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                                                                                        Junior Gold upgrade includes:
                                                     The standard national
                                                     membership for USBC Youth is       n  Membership card
                                                     $4 for the 2021/2022 season.       n  Opportunity to compete in the Junior
                                                     All participants in USBC                Gold Championships qualifiers
                                                     competition will be required       n  Gold Approach e-newsletter
                                                     to have this base level of         n  Member gift
                                                     membership. USBC Youth
                                                     members can then choose            PRICE: U12 – $10 | BIRTHDATE: 8/1/09 or later
                                                     from several purchasable           PRICE: U15 – $30 | BIRTHDATE: 8/1/06 – 7/31/09
                                                     upgrades, such as Junior Gold.     PRICE: U18 – $30 | BIRTHDATE: 8/1/03 – 7/31/06
                                                     By maintaining the reduced         PRICE: U20 (Adult) – $30 | BIRTHDATE: 8/1/01 – 7/31/03
                price of the USBC Youth Standard membership, local bowling center or
                association processors will have the flexibility to create the program
                and benefits that best fits their customer base.                           BOWLING PROPRIETORS have the option of processing their own
                                                                                           youth memberships through national associations or utilizing their
                For awards, a wide variety of free online certificates can be downloaded   local USBC association. The decision is yours. For more information,
                from the Youth Resource Center. Additionally, traditional youth emblems    please contact our team at 817-385-8426 or
                can be purchased through the IBC Youth department. Other purchasable
                High Score achievement awards and other award products can be found
                at                                                      Youth Leaders: If you’re enthusiastic, energetic and
                                                                                        ready to take a leadership role promoting the sport of
                                                                                        bowling, you could become a Youth Leader. Put your
                                                                                        leadership skills to use and earn scholarship money
                                                                                        for college through the USBC Youth Leaders program.
                                                                                        USBC Youth Leaders are key to USBC’s youth bowling
                Standard USBC                                                           efforts, helping to shape the future of the sport and

                Youth members receive:                                                  expand USBC Youth membership.
                n  Access to Find a Member on                                  Those interested in becoming a USBC Youth Leader will learn important
                n  A USBC certified average                                             skills and have a dynamic role in making important decisions for
                n  A USBC membership card                                               bowling, including coordinating and leading meetings, coordinating
                n  The ability to participate in USBC certified competition             youth programs and recruiting bowlers, fundraising, planning
                                                                                        tournaments, awarding scholarships and coaching, training and
                    (leagues and tournaments)                                           mentoring youth bowlers.
                n  The ability to apply for USBC scholarships
                n  Eligible to purchase USBC High Score awards                          For more information about becoming a Youth Leader, have your kids
                    (11 in a row, 300 game & 800 series)                                contact their local association or call us at 817-385-8426 or email
                PRICE: $4.00 | BIRTHDATE: 8/1/03 or later                     

                                                                                       PROGRAMS, PRICING, AND AVAILABILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE.                              For more information about USA Bowling programs, coaching and tournaments, please contact us at 817-385-8426 or email

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