Page 94 - BCM June 2024
P. 94


              “lands” at Disneyland) or do you want each to have its   embrace a different theme than a family entertainment
              own unique theme?                                   center targeted to teens, tweens and their parents.
                5. Keep in mind that the theme will, in large part,   6. Before you get too far along, don’t forget to sur-
              define the audience. If your new target market is   vey your local market area. You could create the great-
              young adults with discretionary income, you’ll want to   est venue ever for young families, but if your center
                                                                                     is surrounded by senior living
                                                                                     facilities, you may need to go in a
                                                                                     different direction. Every business
                                                                                     model — and every center re-
                                                                                     model — can work if you’ve done
                  J JOINOIN T THEHE P PARTYARTY……                                    your homework properly.
                                                                                      7. When budgeting, include
                                                                                     some wiggle room. Every mod-
                                                         Increase Revenueease Revenue  ernization project — and every
                                                                                     theming project — comes in over
                                                              Mor                    budget. That’s the one thing
                                                              More Durablee Durable
                                                                                     that’s guaranteed in the process.
                                                        More Fun for Kids e Fun for Kids   8. Chances are you’ll also need
                                                                                     the services of an architect. You
                                                 Safer T
                                                 Safer Than Other Rampshan Other Ramps  can avoid a lot of headaches if
                                                                                     you can find an architect and
                Proudly Made roudly Made                                             a designer who have worked
                in A
                in Americamerica                                                     together previously.
                                                                C CHECK OUT NEW HECK OUT NEW   9. If there’s an art school near-
                                                               DRAGON COLORS AT RAGON COLORS AT   by, plan to meet with their faculty.
                                                                 BOWL EXPO!!!OWL EXPO!!!
                                                                                     It’s possible you could save on
                                                                                     time and labor by turning one of
                                                                                     your theming or re-theming proj-
                                                                                     ects into a contest for art and/or
                                                                                     design students.
                                                                                      10. Make sure your theming
                                                                                     provides positive memories. The
                                                                                     entire attraction should be care-
                                                                                     fully thought out, but if you can
                                                                                     include a few new aspects that
                                                                                     people will remember, they’ll
                                                                                     share those memories with family
                                                                                     and friends… and begin planning
                                                                                     their next visit.
                                                                                      Of course, nothing is forever,
                                                                                     and that truism applies to them-
                                                                                     ing. Walt Disney understood
                                                                                     it instinctively when he opened
                       Pro Shop o Shop   Pro Shop Training Classes   Pinsetter Parts, Lane   Disneyland. “As long as there
                      Equipment          Always Forming    Machines and Supplies     is imagination left in the world,
                                                                                     Disneyland will never be com-
                          355 N. Iowa Street, Lawrence, KS 66044                     plete,” he famously noted. If
                         785-842-3237  •  24-Hour: 1-800-255-6436                    only he could see the theme
                                                                                     park empire that bears his
                                                     name today.
                                                                                      Has the time come to breathe
                                                some new life into your center
                                                                                     with theming?

               BEC 92  JUNE 2024

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