Page 84 - BCM June 2024
P. 84


              performer — a position that can be upgraded.        more critical than ever. We have a lot of overlap in the
                                                                  menus. In some locations the same product is called
              What do you do to retain your best performers?      something different. We have core items that are appli-
                For those people, we do as much as we can to help   cable to all markets, and some products that are par-
              them succeed. For our servers, how do we put them in   ticular to a specific market. This is an area we’re always
              position to sell the most food so they make the most   looking at it, refining it and working to meet guest
              tips so they won’t even think about leaving? Couple that   expectations.
              with a great culture and people will want to stay.
                                                                  You also have to keep an eye on the prices.
              Talk about your culture.                              You need to manage the margins, and the input costs
                That’s by far the most important thing. People gener-  are changing constantly. Chicken wing prices have
              ally don’t look around for a new job if they’re happy   changed 300% from low to high in four years. You can’t
              with the culture, starting from the top and going all the   just set it and forget it.
              way down. Maybe somebody needs to make a certain
              amount of money to make ends meet, so we give them   Are the menus different in your bowling-focused
              the tools to sell more and do it more quickly. Things like   centers than they are in your venues that lean more to
              hand-helds to take orders faster and get orders out fast-  the FEC side?
              er… kiosks so people aren’t stressed. I don’t care how   I don’t think the traditional centers and FECs are
              much suggestive selling you do, you’re not going to sell   meaningfully different businesses, so no. People are
              a product that has no demand, so you also need to have   coming in for arcade gaming or to watch sporting events
              the right product.                                  or to bowl or for axe throwing or escape rooms or vol-
                                                                  leyball, and they expect to eat. So it’s important to make
              What’s the right food product at Triple Shift Entertainment?  it easy and appealing for them to purchase food and
                Our broad demographic is a big advantage and it also   beverages. Our core competency is not as a culinary
              can be a disadvantage. Focusing on that product mix is                          (continued on page 114)

               BEC 82  JUNE 2024

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