Page 6 - BCM July 2024
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                JULY 2024 • ISSUE 7

              9 UP FRONT                         56 FIRST LOOK
                                                 B&B Theatres opens fourth venue
              10 BUSINESS NEWS                   with bowling; six lessons learned.
              ‘Title Town’ to host Junior Gold in  By Barry Sparks
              ’25; big IBMHF check from Storm.
                                                 72 ONE OF US
              14 BBIA CONVENTION                 How a small center in a small
              Supper is remembered and Hart      New Mexico town gained new life.
              is honored at BBIA Convention.     By Dennis Bergendorf
              By Barbara Peltz                                                      Asleep at the Wheel is an Austin-based
              16 STATE REPORTS                   63 INSIGHT                         band that plays Western swing, boogie-
              Bossier City to host a three-state                                    woogie and American roots music. The
              BPAA custom-content school.        64 MARKETING                       group was a late addition to the Bowl
                                                 You’re the next contestant on      Expo schedule. Page 2.
              20 BEC INDUSTRY BRIEFS             ‘Getting the Bowling Price Right.’
              It began as a movie complex and    By Greg Perkins                    9 BY THE NUMBERS
              is becoming a BEC… once again.                                        164
                                                 66 D.C. WATCH
              22 TIMELINE                        Bowling needs the Tax Relief for   12 PEOPLE, PLACES & THINGS
              Bubble bursts on Japan’s bowling   American Families/Workers Act.     21 AT YOUR SERVICE
              market; café lattes and croissants.  By Brandon Palumbo               Kari Williams

              27 IN-DEPTH                        67 ATTRACTIONS INSIDER             27 PROFIT BREAK
                                                 Even in challenging times, there
                                                                                    The pro  t potential of food-and-
                                                 are opportunities to grow pro  ts.  beverage sales: two interviews.
              28 DOG DAYS OF SUMMER
              Boost revenues all August long     By Howard McAuli  e                27 MUST READ
              with these 17 promotional ideas.   68 ACCOUNTING                      “The Leadership Conversation,”
              By Bob Johnson                     The IRS can be forgiving of tax    by Rose Fass
                                                 return mistakes… but not fraud.    61 BCM BUYERS’ GUIDE
              32 MODERNIZATION                   By Mark E. Battersby
              John Losito on the many bene  ts                                      63 FOOD & BEVERAGE
              of expanding a center’s footprint.                                    Habits are changing; people are

              38 ON-LANE ENTERTAINMENT           MORE                               asking for non-alcoholic cocktails.
              There’s a lot of competition for   2 FRONT LINES                      63 TRENDING
              providing immersive experiences.   When a magazine editor is Asleep   We can’t control 5G installation,
                                                                                    but we can prepare for its arrival.
              46 MILESTONE                       at the Wheel… metaphorically.
              New partners and momentum for      By Bob Johnson                     63 DIGITAL DIGEST
              BCTV as screen count tops 1,000.   6 A MESSAGE FROM BPAA              The undeniable power of social
                                                                                    media to in  uence buying choices.
              50 SUITE SUCCESS                   Regardless of the business model,  By Lance Rasmussen
              O  ering an upscale experience in  there’s one thing all owners share.  63 QUOTE/UNQUOTE
              a private setting can boost pro  ts.  By Tyler Herreman               Bowl Expo keynoter Dana Perino
                                                 8 SAVE THE DATE
              52 PHOTO ALBUM                                                        69 CLASSIFIED PAGES
              The Xtravaganza breaks records     9 AT DEADLINE
              again. An exclusive photo album.   Distributor shows dominate the
              Photos by Michelle Johnson         July/August business calendar.

              4  •  BCM  •  JULY 2024                                                      

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