Page 6 - BCM June 2024
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               JUNE 2024 • ISSUE 6

              11 UP FRONT                        69 BEC

              12 BUSINESS NEWS                   70 BEC INDUSTRY BRIEFS
              Just-In-Time Recreation reopens    Constant evolution in Lansing;
              with a memorial to those killed.   multiple projects in development.
              22 STATE REPORTS                   78 THE BEC INTERVIEW
              Florida Adult/Youth Tournament
              draws nearly 300 doubles teams.    Business models may di  er, but
                                                 the fundamentals are constant.
              30 TIMELINE                        With Bob Johnson                   The countdown is almost over. Late this
              Indy 64-laner to host 1975 WIBC;                                      month, the industry heads to the Mile
              Bush to keynote 2014 Bowl Expo.    84 THEMING                         High City for Bowl Expo 2024. Page 31.
                                                 If it was good enough for Disney,
              31 BOWL EXPO                       it can work in the realm of BECs.  6 A MESSAGE FROM BPAA
                                                 96 REDEMPTION                      This year, families can work hard
              32 SCHEDULE                        No two venues are the same, but    and play hard by attending Expo.
              Plan your time in Denver, and be   many of the numbers are similar.   By Mandy Haws
              aware of changes implemented.
                                                 100 FIRST LOOK                     8 SAVE THE DATE
              32 MEET THE SPEAKERS               How Prime Time Entertainment
              A page of QR codes that will take                                     11 AT DEADLINE
              you to Q&As with presenters.       stands apart in saturated market.  Bowlero opens new Lucky Strike
                                                 By Johnny Campo                    in Miami, acquires Thunderbowl.
              36 TRADE SHOW
              Use our map and company key to     108 MILESTONE                      11 BY THE NUMBERS
              plan your shopping experience.     Even after nine decades, Betson    300+
                                                 keeps evolving to stay relevant.
              40 BOWL EXPO A-TO-Z                                                   18 PEOPLE, PLACES & THINGS
              What to expect from “Arapahoe      By Barry Sparks                    33 BOWL EXPO BUYER’S GUIDE
              Springs Water Park” to “Zero.”
              By Bob Johnson                     117 INSIGHT                        49 PROFIT BREAK
              48 NETWORKING                                                         Countdown to Expo ’24 concludes
              Ten tips to get the most out of    118 D.C. WATCH                     with four more speaker previews.
              this key Bowl Expo component.      As aspects of Trump-era TCJA are   49 MUST READ
                                                 expiring, planning is necessary.   “Let Me Tell You About Jasper,”
              49 IN-DEPTH                        By Brandon Palumbo                 by Bowl Expo keynoter Dana Perino
                                                 119 MARKETING                      115 BCM BUYERS’ GUIDE
              50 AI SEMINAR PREVIEWS             How a Frequent Bowler’s Club
              Today’s hottest business topic to  drives tra   c and repeat business.  117 FOOD & BEVERAGE
              be dissected by three speakers.    By Dave Williams                   Fast-food restaurants continue to
              By Barry Sparks                                                       introduce new chicken products.
              52 COVER STORY                     121 ACCOUNTING                     117 THE LIST
              Striving to do the right thing has  There’s more than one way to pay  Three reasons that the workforce
              de  ned the Proprietor of the Year.  for equipment your center needs.  readiness gap keeps widening.
              By Bob Johnson                     By Mark E. Battersby
                                                                                    117 DIGITAL DIGEST
              66 CELEBRATION                                                        Tap and go is preferred by guests;
              75th anniversary of the Indiana    MORE                               time to provide that convenience?
              BCA brings the industry together.                                     By Carey Tosello
              68 HONORS/ONE OF US                2 FRONT LINES                      117 QUOTE/UNQUOTE
              During COVID, President’s Award    Bowling is the Wiemer family’s     Maine Governor Janet Mills
              winner Borowski never wavered.     business — on and o   the lanes.
              By Dennis Bergendorf               By Bob Johnson                     124 CLASSIFIED PAGES

              4  •  BCM  •  JUNE 2024                                                      

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