Page 130 - BCM June 2024
P. 130

One of Us

              (continued from page 68)           ing the shutdown, among other efforts.
                                                   A native of Buffalo, Borowski gradu-
              disabled, “to experience the joy of   ated from the University at Buffalo
              athletic participation at a level within   with degrees in finance and manage-
              each individual’s capabilities.”   ment information systems, and soon
                Borowski promotes fund raisers — a   joined Brunswick Bowling and Bil-
              lot of them — stressing their value and   liards as an auditor. He moved back to
              ease. “An attractive and relatively easy   the Buffalo area (Amherst) and bought
              way to raise needed cash is a bowling   two centers, selling one in 2000.
              fund raiser,” reads the website. “One   “This gives me the opportunity to
              of the advantages of this approach to   focus on just one center, Allie Brandt
              fund raising is that you do not need a   Lanes, and the ability to breathe once
              lot of money to start out with to hold   in a while,” he says.
              the fund raiser.”                    Borowski is a good bowler, having
                MSSucks (a multiple sclerosis chap-  rolled an 802 series on two separate
              ter), a Masons lodge, schools, church-  occasions. He got a USBC ring for
              es and youth sports teams are among   the first one — a ring that was stolen.
              non-profits that have made bowling a   Police recovered it and returned it two
              big part of their fund raising.    days before he rolled the second.
                It’s this sort of effort that led BPAA   “I had to get the last nine strikes to
              President Kevin Krauss to select   achieve it. You can’t make this stuff   The namesake of Allie Brandt Lanes
              Borowski for the 2024 President’s   up.”                              stood just 5-foot-5, but one evening in
              Award.                               He and Joe Sagasta “had the most   1939 he bowled like a giant when he
                                                                                    strung games of 297, 289 and 300 for a
                His center “is a local community   fun” in winning the 2019 Hall of Fame   long-standing record 886 series.
              center. He works hard every day,”   Xtravaganza, a fund raiser for the In-
              Krauss notes. What tipped the scales   ternational Bowling Museum and Hall
              was Borowski’s response to COVID-19.   of Fame held at Red Rock Lanes in Las   open only every other lane. But within
              “He never wavered,” Krauss says.   Vegas, not quite a year before COVID   the first hour, “we had 14 of our 18
                As New York State BPA president,   shut down Allie Brandt Lanes.    available lanes being used. It was just a
              Borowski fought what were among      That closure lasted five months and   great day.”
              the most draconian restrictions in the   one day. But who’s counting?   The fact that he (and owners before
              country.                                                                         him) chose to keep the
                “Our New York asso-                                                            Allie Brandt name on
              ciation just made a big                                                          the center was applaud-
              full-force effort to bring   “Our New York association just made a big           ed by those connected
              bowling back by writing   full-force effort to bring bowling back by             to the sport, including
              legislators, writing the                                                         then-USBC Lockport
              governor and sending in   writing legislators, writing the governor              association manager
              bowling pins,” he says.     and sending in bowling pins. We did                  Tim Kirsch.
              “We did so much to try                                                             “There had been
              to bring bowling back.”    so much to try to bring bowling back.”                rumors that the name
                Those pins admon-                                      — Brian Borowski        might change and that
              ished Cuomo to let                                                               upset a lot of people
              bowling centers reopen,                                                          because Allie Brandt is
              and they were signed                                                             a local icon.”
              (in Magic Marker) by customers who   “I was,” Borowski says. “People had   Allie Brandt and Brian Borowski.
              sometimes reminded the guv that they   been itching and they’d been calling   They’ve meant the world to Lockport
              also were voters. Then there was the   everyday wanting to know when they   bowling. And for the foreseeable
              petition started by Doug Liquori and   could come in, and finally we were   future, they’re going to continue
              posted on’s website that   able to get good guidance.”     one of the sport’s most interesting
              argued the economic costs of continu-  The guidance told him that he could   partnerships.

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