Page 121 - BCM June 2024
P. 121


              Information Is Your Friend

              How a Frequent Bowler’s Club can drive tra   c… and repeat business.

                   ver the years, I’ve raved about American Recreation   and Kroger.
              O Centers, a publicly held chain of bowling centers   We created a task force at ARC that consisted of corpo-
              that was based in California, but also had clusters of   rate and bowling center sta   — not just managers, but also
              locations in Texas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Missouri and   employees from the reception desk, snack bar, lounge and
              Wisconsin. ARC’s visionary leader and CEO was Bob   even the pro shop. A list of questions was created for Mr.
                           Feuchter, who really set the tone when it   Byrley to see if our Frequent Bowler’s Club could become
                           came to innovation and change.         a reality. Here are a few of the questions and answers from
                             Feuchter made a monumental change    that initial list:
                           in the operation of the company in 1989,   Can a Frequent Bowler’s Club card do it all?
                           when he brought in a couple of “outsid-  A single card can be used for multiple purposes. Pay-
                           ers” to shake up the status quo. One was   ment system options include a proprietary ARC credit card
                           Dianne Hazelroth, from Capitol Federal   or using the Frequent Bowler’s Club Card as a surrogate
                 DAVE      Savings and Loan, as director of opera-  for any third-party credit/debit card.
              WILLIAMS     tions.    e other was me, from AMF, as the   Can a bowling center read the information associated

                           marketing director. Together, we formed   with the card at their location?
              the nucleus of a rejuvenated company that would intro-  RSI’s system reads the card data and automatically ex-
              duce concepts that are still being talked about and dupli-  ecutes the marketing programs designed by ARC. Any card
              cated today.                                        data desired by ARC can be printed during each transac-
                   e list of operational and marketing concepts that we   tion. Authorized ARC employees can have password ac-
              created or changed is lengthy and, all modesty aside, im-  cess to the database.
              pressive. Some of the more noteworthy included:       Can we pre-punch points into a list of regular users?
                • Co  ee and soda cups with the company logo.       Yes, at any time during the operation of the program.
                • Kiosks for   iers and brochures.                  Can buying habits of customers be tracked?
                • Impact signage at the reception counter and snack   Yes, and at each particular source (bowling, snacks, bar
              shop.                                               and pro shop).
                • House balls, color-coded by weight, with the ARC logo.  How do we handle discount coupons for tracking/han-
                • Velcro strap rental shoes (also with the ARC logo).  dling/ringing up?
                • Wireless microphone system for operational commu-  Each coupon issued
                                                                    Each coupon issued
              nication among employees.                           has a unique code.
                                                                  When a coupon o  er is
                • A $500 youth scholarship program at every location.  When a coupon o  er is
                And that’s only about half of the new programs that   redeemed, the cus-
                                                                  tomer’s card is swiped
              were introduced within a   ve-year span.            tomer’s card is swiped
                Another was a Frequent Bowler’s Club. With Hazelroth’s   and the code is keyed
              background in banking, the decision was made to con-  into the terminal. RSI
              vert all locations to a credit card acceptance system. ARC   will track each cou-
              was the   rst chain to do this, and many members of the   pon issued to and
              Multi-Unit Bowling Information Group followed our lead.   redeemed by each
              Jim Dressel of Bowlers Journal International paid special   cardholder. We will
              attention to this topic with an article that appeared in the   also generate an
              April 1992 issue: “Charge! Except at the Bowling Center.”   overall ARC host
                Once the credit card acceptance system was in place, we   and store level
              began to research ways to introduce a Frequent Bowler’s   redemption for
              Club that could utilize the same system, like the printout   each property.
              you receive when shopping at a supermarket.    at’s when   Can we ascer-  ARC’s Frequent Bowler’s Club appli-
              I discovered Retail Services Incorporated (RSI) in Dal-  tain who is bowling   cation helped build a data base that
              las, Texas, and Frank Byrley, who was responsible for the   in more than one   could be sorted in numerous ways
              program introduced at supermarket chains like Albertsons   league?       for targeted marketing.

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