Page 100 - BCM June 2024
P. 100


              come progressively higher amounts with progressively   One More Set of Numbers
              higher bonus play amounts — $40 with $4 in bonus      Some proprietors have intimated that they wouldn’t
              play, $60 with $8 in bonus play, $100 with $20 in bonus   still be in the “bowling business” if they hadn’t
              play and so on. The offers selected are based largely on   installed a high-revenue, high-profit arcade. Betson
              the target audience and the center’s brand. When Don   Enterprises, which has been in the amusement busi-
              MacBrayne founded The Summit locations in Colorado,   ness for nine decades (see story on page 108), shares
              his target market was young adults with high discre-  the following numbers based on a typical location
              tionary incomes, so he upped the ante not only in his   with 40 games:
              food-and-beverage operation but also in his arcades,   • Space required: about 2,600 square feet.
              with higher amounts required on game cards for lower   • Purchase of games at an average price of
              amounts of bonus play. At one point, the “best value”   $11,000: $440,000.
              promoted on the Summit kiosks was $100 in bonus play   • Average earnings of $200 per game per week:
              for loading $250 on a card. Operators that target their   $416,000.
              arcades to kids and families may do better with lower   • Average room payout of 28%: $101,920.
              card-load requirements.                               • Game earnings less room payout: $314,080 in
                                                                  earnings for the year.
                     The lowest height, in feet, that a redemption area’s   Again with the proviso that every situation is dif-
              12 ceiling should be. Higher is better. A low ceiling   ferent, this suggests a return on investment of far
              suggests a “cheap space” — a suggestion that carries   shorter than two years.
              over to the prize selection in the mind of the consumer.   Now that you have a few of the numbers, the next
              Experts stress that whether a center opts for a prize   question becomes: Which games? That’s when the
              counter or a prize room, it needs to look professionally   services of an experienced consultant can pay big
              designed and merchandised.                          dividends.

               BEC 98  JUNE 2024

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